PT Minebea AccessSolutions Indonesia


未来への意気込みとともに。 これからも市場のニーズと相乗効果を発揮できる製品づくりに邁進してまいります。

MinebeaMitsumi is committed to delivering the right products and solutions, no matter where in the world you are. Whether you need a high-quality standard product, a customized assembly, or a truly innovative solution, we can help you take your project from idea to successful launch. Our international team of highly trained sales and product specialists serves as your expert connection to the highly developed engineering, manufacturing, and new product development capabilities of our worldwide network of aerospace manufacturers. Before you begin your next project, contact MinebeaMitsumi Aerospace, the global brand that’s bringing excellence together.

We are committed to working together in pursuit of common goals. Our teamwork is based on personal accountability, interpersonal communication and caring for one another. We promote and encourage cooperation and respect. We build strong teams with a clear purpose of finding solutions for our customers.

Our about


Xample text : Section that describes the company’s achievements. Section that describes the company’s achievements.


Safety and security are commonly ranked high among car users. There is great focus in the industry on reducing fatalities by offering active safety solutions. 

Two Wheels Product

Descripstion product Descripstion productDescripstion product

Four Weels Product

Descripstion product Descripstion productDescripstion product

Company Activity

Event & News

This section provides details of the company’s activities and events. This section provides details of the company’s activities and events.

Family Gathering

Example text : As a form of social relations between the company and employees. As a form of social relations between the company and employees. As a form of social relations between the company and employees

Opening Ceremony

Example text : Company expansion as a step to expand production to meet market needs. Company expansion as a step to expand production to meet market needs.Company expansion as a step to expand production to meet market needs.

CSR 2021

Xample text : CSR is a form of company care for the condition of the surrounding community. CSR is a form of company care for the condition of the surrounding community.

Annual Meeting Supplier

Xample text : The Supplier Annual Meeting aims to create a harmonious relationship in cooperation to achieve product quality that is able to compete in the market.

About Us

As well as numerous other industries, we accompany you on the way from product development to series production and beyond.

With MinebeaMitsumi, you gain a reliable partner for your individual application.
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